Senate Bill No. 601


(Originating in the Committee on Finance;

reported March 4, 1996.)


A BILL expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the state fund, general revenue, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, in the amount of five million dollars from the revenue shortfall reserve fund, account no. fund 2038, organization 0201, activity 999, and making a supplementary appropriation of public moneys out of the treasury from the unappropriated surplus balance for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, to the governor's office-civil contingent fund, account no. fund 0105, fiscal year 1996, organization 0100.

Whereas, The Legislature finds that the account balance in the revenue shortfall reserve fund has a sufficient balance available for appropriation in the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six; therefore,
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the balance of funds available for expenditure in the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six to the revenue shortfall reserve fund, account no. fund 2038, organization 0201, activity 999, be decreased by expiring the amount of five million dollars to the unappropriated surplus balance of the state fund, general revenue, and that the total appropriation for fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, to account no. fund 0105, fiscal year 1996, organization 0100, be supplemented and amended by increasing the total appropriation by five million dollars as follows:

Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.

8--Governor's Office--

Civil Contingent Fund

(WV Code Chapter 5A)

Account No.

Fund 0105 FY 1996 Org 0100


5Flood Recovery and Mitigation
6Loans (Disaster Recovery
7 Trust Fund)................289$5,000,000
The purpose of this bill is to expire the sum of five million dollars from the revenue shortfall reserve fund, account no. fund 2038, organization 0201, activity 999, and to supplement the governor's office, civil contingent fund, account no. fund 0105, fiscal year 1996, organization 0100, in the budget act for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, by adding five million dollars to a new activity for flood recovery and mitigation loans (disaster recovery trust fund).